By Christy Bassett, Homesteader at Barefoot All Natural Farm 

Back to school, fall hikes, road trips. September spurs many of us to pack a bag and head out of the house for hours at a time. Luckily, it’s also peak harvest season for many local fruits here in Massachusetts, and treats like apples, peaches, raspberries, grapes and watermelon are popular snacks for all ages. Fuel your body and your family on their autumn adventures with these easy, travel-safe, grab and go snacks made with in-season fruits. 

Tip: Save time by prepping your fruit all at once, reduce food waste and maximize nutrition by utilizing different parts of each fruit in different recipes. The recipes featured below call for late summer and fall fruits, but in reality, you could substitute your favorite seasonal or preserved fruit and make these snacks any time of the year. 

Looking for a source of local, organic fruit? Search our Organic Food Guide for a farm or market near you.