Miyawaki forest discussion at the November MAPN monthly meeting!


Please join us Tuesday, November 28th, at 7pm, as we welcome Maya Dutta to present on miyawaki forests! Maya is an environmental advocate and ecosystem restorer working to spread understanding on the key role of biodiversity in shaping the climate and the water, carbon, nutrient and energy cycles we rely on. She is passionate about climate change adaptation and mitigation and the ways that community-led ecosystem restoration can fight global climate change while improving the livelihood and equity of human communities.

Go Nuts Bi-Monthly Community Call


Go Nuts! is our bi-monthly informational call on agroforestry. During this call, we will discuss all things related to agroforestry, from planting and tree establishment to infrastructure and consumer access. This includes insight into the variety of species of trees and shrubs and their various applications as well as discussing more technical elements such as soil health or animal integration. All of these discussions are grounded in the relevancy of agroforestry as a unified food systems solution, and how it can help sustain our environment, improve soil health and boost community resilience.

Event Series Soil Health Community Call

Soil Health Bi-Monthly Community Call : Preparing for Compost Tea Mastery Webinar


We are excited to invite you to our bimonthly Soil Health Calls! These calls are designed to provide a platform for farmers, researchers, and experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights on soil health.  Our aim is to create a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about improving soil health. Our calls will cover a range of topics related to soil health, including soil biology, organic matter, nutrient management, and any topic of relevance to the NOFA community and beyond. We will also have guest speakers who will share their expertise and insights on the latest developments in the field.

MAPN monthly meeting


Massachusetts Pollinator Network Monthly meeting. “Developing Pollinator Curriculum for Schools,” with Jocelyn Demuth of Checkerspot Farm

Go Nuts Bi-Monthly Community Call


Go Nuts! is our bi-monthly informational call on agroforestry. During this call, we will discuss all things related to agroforestry, from planting and tree establishment to infrastructure and consumer access. This includes insight into the variety of species of trees and shrubs and their various applications as well as discussing more technical elements such as soil health or animal integration. All of these discussions are grounded in the relevancy of agroforestry as a unified food systems solution, and how it can help sustain our environment, improve soil health and boost community resilience.