Incorporación de plantas perennes: planes de sistemas orgánicos y resiliencia en la granja

2024-04-26T12:32:44-04:00April 26th, 2024|, , |

¿Le ha interesado conocer los diferentes tipos de Planes de Sistemas Orgánicos (OSP por sus siglas en Inglés) y cómo utilizarlos para generar y construir una mayor resiliencia en las operaciones agrícolas? ¿O se pregunta cómo podría aumentar el potencial valor agregado de su producción? Únase a Abby Ferla de Foxtrot Farm para discutir el proceso de planificación de sus campos para este año: desde la creación de un hábitat para los polinizadores, el almacenamiento y profundización del agua y la limitación de la erosión, hasta la plantación de cultivos resilientes al clima, Foxtrot lo ha estado probando, todo de manera orgánica y certificada.

Incorporating Perennials: On-Farm Resilience & Organic Systems Plans

2024-04-26T12:27:52-04:00April 23rd, 2024|, |

Have you been interested in learning about different types of Organic Systems Plans (OSPs) and how to use them to build on-farm resilience? Or wonder how you might be able to increase your potential for producing added value? Join Foxtrot Farm’s Abby Ferla in discussing their process of planning their fields for the year. From creating pollinator habitat, storing and sinking water & limiting erosion, to planting climate resilient crops, Foxtrot has been testing it out - all in a certified organic manner.

Desmitificar la certificación para granja orgánica: Cómo mantener los registros

2024-04-23T15:44:59-04:00April 7th, 2024|, , , , , |

¿Tiene problemas a la hora de llevar un registro de los fertilizantes de su granja o planear las cosechas? ¿O quizás le interese conseguir el certificado de granja orgánica pero no encuentra el tiempo? NOFA/Mass tiene el gusto de traerles a Antonio Acosta de la Asociación en Capacitación Terrestre y Agrícola (ALBA por sus siglas en inglés) y a la granja orgánica Coronel Produce para que compartan sus consejos y técnicas para mantener unos buenos registros para pasar la inspección del certificado orgánico. Además, ¡hablarán sobre otros beneficios de mantener registros!

NOFA NH Organic Gardening Series – Small Scale Gardening Techniques to Build Self-Sustainability

2024-04-05T14:10:57-04:00April 5th, 2024|, , , |

Integrating growing and storing techniques oriented to long term benefits can help you create a system that improves your self-sustainability. Techniques like crop rotation and seed saving can help you improve soil quality, reduce financial burdens, increase crop accessibility and yield, and more. Join Sibongile of Sycamore Community Garden as she shares some techniques to give you the tools to help improve your small-scale growing systems. Information shared will open your mind to growing in a way that sustains you and your household for years to come.

NOFA NH Organic Gardening Series – Building and Assessing Soil Microbiology: Enhancing your Garden’s Health

2024-04-05T14:01:27-04:00April 5th, 2024|, , , |

Through practical insights and expert guidance, you'll gain a deeper understanding of soil microbiology and its profound impact on plant growth and ecosystem health. Our session will equip you with essential tools and techniques for assessing soil microbiology, including microscopy and microbiometer analysis. You'll learn how to collect soil samples effectively and interpret soil test reports to optimize soil health and productivity in your garden. But the learning doesn't stop there. We'll also unveil practical strategies for harnessing the power of soil microbiology to enhance your garden's health, from compost teas and extracts to microbial inoculants. Plus, discover how our professional soil testing services can provide personalized insights and recommendations to elevate your gardening experience.

NOFA NH Organic Gardening Series – 7 Essentials of Seed Starting (and the common mistakes to avoid)

2024-04-05T13:54:53-04:00April 5th, 2024|, , , |

Growing great seedlings is simple with the right seeds at the right time with the right tools. This workshop will provide the foundation you need to have successful seedlings every year. Learn the 7 essentials from Petra Page-Mann, life-long gardener and founder of Fruition Seeds.

NOFA NH Organic Gardening Series – Trouble-shooting Tomatoes: Tips for Feeding, Potting Up & Growing Resilient Tomato Transplants

2024-04-05T13:40:44-04:00April 5th, 2024|, , , |

Getting a good tomato season starts at the beginning, the seedlings. Would you love to grow healthier tomato transplants? Would you love to not tend the seedlings alone? Join us to learn best practices as well as how to avoid common mistakes! We'll have time to look at and assess your tomato transplants together, so bring your seedlings as well as yourself.

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