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Are you a no till farmer or one that is transitioning to no till practices in New England? Come gather at Late Bloom Farm for a structured and interactive discussion of what success looks like on your farm as well as challenges you face within no till, ecological farming approaches. 

Throughout the evening, we will:  

  • Tour and learn about Late Bloom Farm’s growing practices  
  • Meet other no till growers in the region
  • Enjoy delicious food & drinks on the farm
  • Discuss what successes and challenges look like for you
  • Structured time to pose questions for future topics

Please think of 1-3 questions that you want to pose to a fellow farmer. 




Late Bloom Farm’s mission is to connect people to the land through growing food using holistic, ecological methods. We strive to be a place of refuge and a community space for people to share, honor and celebrate diversity of life.

Farm Philosophy and Practices

We are committed to using organic, no till, human scale practices that align with nature’s philosophy of growing plants, minimizing our disturbance of the land, and celebrating and recognizing the power in diversity. We honor the fact that these practices are rooted in Indigenous wisdom and look to nature as our teacher. We are certified organic through Baystate.


About Anna Kelchlin

I believe in connecting people to the land through growing food. I am honored to be a part of the process of healing land and community with a reciprocal and regenerative mindset. I spent seven seasons farming at Waltham Fields Community Farm and five seasons at Gaining Ground both community based nonprofits working to make food accessible for all. I hold a Master’s degree in education with a focus on multicultural community education. I am a heart transplant recipient, a certified Iyengar yoga teacher, and enjoy speaking Spanish and traveling to places near the sea. Raised by the Minnesotan prairie, I am grateful to grow deeper roots in Massachusetts and am pumped to plant more cover crops, spread mulch piles, and discover diverse life forms above and below the soil!


About the Project:

NOFA/Mass is proud to be a Core Partner in the Northeast Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a network assembled by the USDA’s National Organic Program to support transitioning and organic producers with mentorship and resources. Farmer-to-farmer mentorship, workshops, webinars, field days, technical assistance, and other educational events will offer opportunities to learn about organic production, the certification process, market opportunities, and more. Read more and sign up to be a mentor or a transitioning farmer mentee at organictransition.org.  



Portions of our farm tour may cover uneven terrain.  We want to make sure your accessibility needs are met during the event. Please share with us your needs regarding (but not limited to): physical accessibility, allergies, noise, scent, gender, intellectual accessibility, and any instructions or tips to help you fully participate. 


Refund/Inclement Weather Policy:

For information on our refund and inclement weather policy, click here. 



Capacity for this event is limited to 25 people. Register ahead of time to secure your space! 




For questions about this event, contact Hannah McDonald at [email protected]

Northeast Transition to Organic Partnership Program / TOPP / USDA Logo