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We are excited to share that plans are underway for our 2nd Annual Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference and are blessed to announce that this conference will remain FREE for participants!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 18, 2024 as we gather in CT at Simsbury United Methodist Church for an inspiring event focused on empowering individuals with disabilities to reclaim their stories, navigate challenges, and build a stronger, more inclusive agricultural community. This isn’t just a conference; it’s a lifeline. Through compelling presentations, workshops, and peer support, we’ll help participants reclaim their stories. My Voice, My Narrative.
Please see the attached save the date. Registration is open! We also invite you to join us in shaping the future of HBG Farms and the 2nd Annual Northeast Disability and Agriculture Conference by becoming a sponsor. By contributing your support, you’ll be directly impacting the lives of individuals with disabilities, fostering connection, and nurturing a brighter tomorrow. Information is attached.